18 months and 60 new acres later, The Sports Capital of Texas officially opened the new Round Rock Multipurpose Complex last week! The Grand Opening Ceremony featured a FIFA-style entrance by city leaders and council members with local youth athletes, speeches from Mayor Alan McGraw and City Director of Sports Management and Tourism Chad McKenzie, and a ceremonial “First Kick” ribbon cutting.
The new, state-of-the-art venue allows Round Rock to host a variety of new sporting events, such as lacrosse, soccer, rugby, ultimate frisbee, flag football, and more. In fact, the complex has secured more than two dozen sporting events in 2017 and is already booked for several events in 2018. Calling the Round Rock Multipurpose Complex a “‘landmark addition’ to Old Settlers Park,” city officials are excited about the new facility and the opportunities it brings.
Mayor Alan McGraw said, “This investment ultimately serves our residents in two ways: by offering a great amenity like this for our youth to practice and play on, and to also attract tournaments that bring thousands of people to Round Rock every year to stay in our hotels and shop in our stores.”
Tournaments and events like these draw teams from out of town and provide a significant economic benefit to the Round Rock community. Local restaurants, businesses, and hotels all see the economic impact when more tournaments are booked in the Sports Capital of Texas.
In addition to drawing in more amateur and youth sports tournaments, the set-up at the new complex, which includes four natural grass fields, four synthetic turf fields, and two championship fields (one turf and one natural grass), will open the doors for Round Rock to host larger sports events. According to McKenzie, the complex “gives us another opportunity to attract large-scale, national and even international tournaments to this area, which is fantastic for economic development and everything that comes with it.” FC Barcelona, one of the top soccer clubs in the world, has already secured the complex as the site of its 3rd U.S. location for their youth soccer school, FCBEscola.
The venue features quality design and state-of-the-art amenities, including Musco Lighting on each field, a clubhouse, a playground, permanent seating for up to 250 people on each championship field, and more. The Sports Capital of Texas is stepping its game up with this new facility.
Read more about what others are saying about the new complex: